Have you ever wondered what it's like to be self-employed, work from home, or have a home office? Read on for a day in the life of a female entrepreneur:

Every day, I count myself lucky to be self-employed and able to work from home. While I now run several online businesses with multiple revenue streams, my first venture into the world of “self-employed” began with Etsy. I am forever grateful that this company allowed me to be able to grow my business and learn along the way. Today, I want to share what it’s really like to be self-employed and work from home:

7:30 Rise and Shine!
For the last year, I’ve been allowing my body to wake up naturally. I no longer use an alarm but rather get up when my body tells me it’s time to rise.
7:31 Morning Routine Time
Not one to waste time with the snooze button. I immediately jump out of bed, take the dog out, and then curl up in my library for a few minutes to read, drink a glass of water, and cuddle with my dog.
7:45 Coffee, Emails, and Website Tweaks
I can’t even begin to work until I’m sipping on my first cup of coffee. This helps me be more attentive and I try to tackle my hardest work while the caffeine is still giving me that little bit of a “kick”. I spend some time responding to customer messages that have come in overnight. By the time I’m onto my second cup of coffee, I’m making various website updates and tweaks to keep my content fresh and up to date.

9:30 Breakfast and Printing Orders
I truly don’t understand people that can make it through their morning without breakfast. If I don’t start out with some fruit and oatmeal (or chia seed pudding), I am too “hangry” to be productive.
10:00 Work on Orders
By this time, I am ready to sit down in my studio and begin making orders for customers. This usually involves making dozens of necklaces, earrings, and bracelets with my signature crystals and pearls. Wedding jewelry is still the bread and butter of my Etsy businesses and I like to get orders made and shipped right away.
1:30 Lunch Break
My “lunch break” time can vary depending on the day but I try to use about an hour each day to catch up on housework, make a healthy lunch, and walk my dog. I’ve found that 30 minutes in the sunshine and a healthy lunch gives me a much needed boost for the rest of the day.

2:30 Order Fulfillment, New Products, or Post Office Run
My afternoon is where I have the most flexibility on any given day. Some days, it’s spent continuing to make and fill orders. Other days, I am devoted to the creative aspect of my business. Often, the afternoon is broken up by a daily “post office run” as I transport full mail bins of packages.
6:30 Dinner Break
I really enjoy cooking and always welcome “dinner break” time to try out a new recipe or prepare an old favorite. This is one break that I don’t rush. I take the time to enjoy a relaxing dinner with my husband and a few minutes of quiet time to myself.
7:30 Packaging Orders/Outstanding Business
After a refreshing break, I spend about an hour each evening prepping orders for shipping and finishing up any outstanding business.
8:30 Porch Time and Winding Down
A full day of work at home means it can sometimes be difficult to switch off the “work” part of my brain. I find that sitting on the back porch with my husband and dog provides a relaxing transition from working to home life. I treasure this time as we watch the last remnants of a summer sunset or the first twinkling of stars in the clear skies. Despite a full day, I instantly feel at peace and happily content with my self-employed life. I’m even ready to start it all over again the next day…
